La receta de hoy es de esas que hay que hacer de vez en cuando porque el cuerpo lo pide.
Afortunadamente el tiempo está acompañando y apetece poner el horno, aunque teniendo en cuenta los días que hemos tenido lo mejor será plantearse hornear directamenet en la ventana.
Las cookies son esas galletas que gustan a todos, yo las he preparado sólo con pepitas de chocolate, pero podéis quitar una cantidad de estas y añadir frutos secos, como nueces o avellanas.
Con las cantidades que os pongo en la receta salen 18 galletas, pero tenéis que tener en cuenta que son grandes, la medida utilizada para hacerlas es la de un dispensador de bolas de helado.
Espero que os endulce el fin de semana y las disfrutéis mucho, ya estéis trabajando o de vacaciones, creo que este año nos merecemos unas cuantas.
Receta para 18 unidades.
Tiempo de preparación: 30 minutos + tiempo de enfriado.
Tiempo de preparación: 30 minutos + tiempo de enfriado.
1 taza de mantequilla en pomada
1 taza de azúcar moreno
1 taza de azúcar blanco
2 + 1/2 tazas de harina de repostería
2 tazas de pepitas de chocolate
2 huevos
1/2 cucharada de esencia de vainilla
1 cucharadita de levadura química
Cómo lo hago:
- Precalentamos el horno a 190ºC, calor arriba y abajo, sin el ventilador.
- En un bol batimos la mantequilla y el azúcar.
- Añadimos los huevos y la esencia de vainilla. Batimos.
- Añadimos, poco a poco, el harina mezclada con la levadura y tamizada. Mezclamos bien para que no queden grumos en la masa.
- Añadimos las pepitas de chocolate y movemos bien para que queden bien repartidas.
- En la bandeja del horno sobre la que hemos puesto un tapete de silicona o papel sulfurizado y con la ayuda de un dispensador de bolas de helado, vamos cogiendo la masa y colocando encima las bolas de masa. Yo he puesto 6 bolas de masa en la bandeja de mi horno, ya que durante el horneado van a crecer bastante.
- Colocamos en el centro del horno y dejamos hornear durante 15 minutos (en mi caso).
- Sacamos y colocamos sobre una rejilla, donde dejaremos enfriar, al menos 1 hora.
¡A disfrutar!
Nota: Guardar en un bote hermético para su correcta conservación.
Today's recipe is one that can only be done once in a while.
Fortunately, the weather is accompanying and we want to put the oven, although taking into account the days we have had, the best thing to do would be to bake directly in the window.
Cookies are liked by everyone, I have prepared them only with chocolate chips, but you can remove a quantity of these and add nuts, such as walnuts or hazelnuts.
With the amounts that I put in the recipe makes 18 cookies, but you must keep in mind that are large, the measure used to make them is that of a dispenser scoops of ice cream.
I hope it sweetens you the weekend and you enjoy it a lot, whether you are working or on vacation, I think this year we deserve a few.
Fortunately, the weather is accompanying and we want to put the oven, although taking into account the days we have had, the best thing to do would be to bake directly in the window.
Cookies are liked by everyone, I have prepared them only with chocolate chips, but you can remove a quantity of these and add nuts, such as walnuts or hazelnuts.
With the amounts that I put in the recipe makes 18 cookies, but you must keep in mind that are large, the measure used to make them is that of a dispenser scoops of ice cream.
I hope it sweetens you the weekend and you enjoy it a lot, whether you are working or on vacation, I think this year we deserve a few.
Recipe for 18 units.
Preparation time: 30 minutes + cooling time.
Preparation time: 30 minutes + cooling time.
1 cup melted butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup of white sugar
2 + 1/2 cups of pastry flour
2 cups of chocolate chips
2 eggs
1/2 tablespoon of vanilla essence
1 teaspoon of chemical yeast
1 cup melted butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup of white sugar
2 + 1/2 cups of pastry flour
2 cups of chocolate chips
2 eggs
1/2 tablespoon of vanilla essence
1 teaspoon of chemical yeast
How do I do it:
- Preheat the oven to 190ºC, heat up and down, without the fan.
- In a bowl, beat the butter and sugar.
- Add the eggs and the vanilla essence. We beat.
- Gradually add the flour mixed with the yeast and sieved. Mix well so that there are no lumps in the dough.
- Add the chocolate chips and move well so that they are well distributed.
- In the oven tray on which we have placed a silicone mat or sulfurized paper and with the help of a dispenser of ice cream balls, we take the dough and place the balls on top. I have put 6 balls of dough in the tray of my oven, since during the baking they will grow a lot.
- We place in the center of the oven and leave to bake for 15 minutes (in my case).
- Take out and place on a rack, where we will let cool, at least 1 hour.
Note: Store in an airtight bottle for proper storage.
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