Panecillos de San Antón / San Anton bread rolls
La receta que os propongo hoy tiene que ver con el día, hoy se celebra San Antón, patrón de los animales. Por ese motivo muchos hacen cola con sus mascotas para que estas sean bendecidas por el Santo.
También, en muchos lugares de nuestra geografía, se comen los típicos «panecillos se San Antón», los cuales se cree que comía el Santo durante su ayuno y hacía esfuerzos por vencer las tentaciones.
Los hay de muchos tipos, salados, dulces, tipo galleta. Yo os propongo una de pan, una masa muy sencilla y rápida de preparar.
¡Ah! Y no se os olvide colocar la cruz en la parte superior 😉.
Además, la tradición dice que «hasta San Antón se puede comer roscón».
Espero os guste.
Receta para 50 panecillos
Tiempo aproximado de preparación: 30 minutos + 2 horas reposo + 30 minutos enfriado
Cómo lo hago:
The recipe that I propose today has to do with the day, today San Antón, patron of animals is celebrated. For that reason many queue with their pets so that they are blessed by the Saint.
Also, in many places in our geography, the typical "San Antón bread rolls" are eaten, which it is believed that the Saint ate during his fast and made efforts to overcome temptations.
There are many types, salty, sweet, cookie type. I propose one of bread, a very simple and quick dough to prepare.
Ah! And don't forget to place the cross on top 😉.
In addition, tradition says that "even San Antón can eat roscón."
I hope you like it.
Recipe for 50 bread rolls
Approximate preparation time: 30 minutes + 2 hours rest + 30 minutes cooled
How do I do it:
Espero os guste.
Receta para 50 panecillos
Tiempo aproximado de preparación: 30 minutos + 2 horas reposo + 30 minutos enfriado
- 250 gr harina fuerza
- 200 ml agua
- 15 gr levadura fresca
- 1+1/2 cucharadita de sal
- 1+1/2 cucharada de aceite de oliva virgen extra
Cómo lo hago:
- En un bol ponemos el harina con la sal. Removemos y hacemos un agujero en el centro.
- Añadimos el aceite de oliva y el agua con la levadua disuelta enn él. Amasamos.
- En una superficien enharinada colocamos la masa y le damos forma de bola. Enaceitamos un bol y ponemos la bola de masa dentro. Tapamos con un trapo de algodón o lino y dejamos reposar en un lugar seco y sin corrientes de aire, durante 1 hora.
- Sacamos la masa en la superficie enharinada y formamos las bolas. Tapamos de nuevo con un trapo y dejamos reposar 1 hora.
- Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC.
- Marcamos la cruz y ponemos un poco de azúcar encima.
- Horneamos 20 minutos a 180ºC calor arriba y abajo.
- Dejamos enfriar sobre rejilla.
The recipe that I propose today has to do with the day, today San Antón, patron of animals is celebrated. For that reason many queue with their pets so that they are blessed by the Saint.
Also, in many places in our geography, the typical "San Antón bread rolls" are eaten, which it is believed that the Saint ate during his fast and made efforts to overcome temptations.
There are many types, salty, sweet, cookie type. I propose one of bread, a very simple and quick dough to prepare.
Ah! And don't forget to place the cross on top 😉.
In addition, tradition says that "even San Antón can eat roscón."
I hope you like it.
Recipe for 50 bread rolls
Approximate preparation time: 30 minutes + 2 hours rest + 30 minutes cooled
- 8,8 Oz of flour force
- 200 ml water
- 0,5 Oz of fresh yeast
- 1 + 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 + 1/2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
How do I do it:
- In a bowl put the flour with the salt. Remove and make a hole in the center.
- Add the olive oil and water with the yeast dissolved in it. Knead.
- On a floured surface we place the dough and give it a ball shape. We shake a bowl and put the dough ball inside. Cover with a cotton or linen cloth and let stand in a dry place without drafts, for 1 hour.
- We take out the dough on the floured surface and form the balls. Cover again with a cloth and let stand 1 hour.
- Preheat oven to 180ºC / 356ºF.
- We mark the cross and put some sugar on top.
- Bake 20 minutes at 180ºC / 356ºF. heat up and down.
- Let cool on rack.
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